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| 2 minute read
Reposted from Lewis Silkin - AdLaw

Register now for the GALA Global Annual Conference: "Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change"

We are delighted to announce that for the first time ever, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance global conference is coming to London. To mark the occasion, we have organised a half-day conference at the Ham Yard Hotel on Thursday 26th March 2020 on the theme of "Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change."

After a networking lunch, the afternoon will start with me interviewing Guy Parker, Chief Executive of the Advertising Standards Authority and Vice-President of the International Council for Ad Self-Regulation, setting the scene about the challenges facing international regulators. We will then move to a panel session moderated by Jeff Greenbaum, managing partner at New York law firm, Frankfurt Kurnit  Klein & Selz and Global President of GALA. Joining Guy on the panel of international regulators will be, from the United States of America, Laura Brett, Vice President of the National Advertising Division (or ‘NAD’ - the US equivalent of the ASA); from Canada, Catherine Bate, Chief Legal and Policy Officer at Ad Standards; and finally, from Europe, Justina Raižytė, Head of Development and Policy, European Advertising Standards Alliance.

We will then continue with a panel discussion about "Levelling the playing field: strategies for combating misleading competitor advertising around the world." In this session, we will be comparing and contrasting the different systems for challenging misleading competitor advertising around the world, with an international panel of GALA members. 

From here, delegates will be able to choose from one of four breakout sessions, each with its own panel of GALA members: 

  1. The Climate Crisis: Responses to the climate crisis with environmental claims in advertising for the automotive, energy and other sectors 
  2. The Obesity Crisis: How can advertisers of HFSS respond and continue to promote their products in an increasingly hostile environment?
  3. The Health Crisis: Are regulators infantilising consumers of traditional products, such as beer, wine and spirits?  What about new products, such as vaping, e-cigarettes and cannabis based products? Is the world simultaneously encouraging the promotion of these innovative but controversial products?
  4. The Crisis of Trust: Can consumers trust influencers and brands on social media? What are the regulators doing to restore or even create trust in marketing on social media?

The formal part of the afternoon will wrap up with another plenary panel session, also featuring GALA lawyers from around the world, "Making the future better than the past: How are changing attitudes to diversity being reflected in global advertising?

Finally, we will move into the informal part of the conference with networking drinks and canapés, and a chance to meet the other delegates, as well as the GALA members, the world's leading advertising from countries throughout North and South America; Europe, the Middle East and Africa; Asia and Australasia. 

Tickets cost £295 + VAT, but if you register before 14th February, you can enjoy the early-bird rate of £195 + VAT.

To register, either click through on the link to our website, or email my colleague Lizzie Barnes.

Join us for an afternoon of panels, plenaries and workshops, with expert guest speakers from around the globe and key figures from advertising regulation, followed by a networking party.


adlaw, a and m, gala, gala global conference