Resolution No. 810 of 2021 issued by the Health Ministry stablished the technical regulation for nutritional labeling and mandatory frontal stamps of the packaging of food for human consumption.
However, Resolution No. 2492 of 2022 issued by the Health Ministry included the following changes:
- Excluded the regulation for typical or artisan food and beverages.
- Clarified the definition of barely processed and non-processed food.
- Restricted the possibility to include nutritional or health beneficial declarations for food that includes the mandatory frontal stamps.
- It changes the nutritional profile making it stricter.
- Sugar is no longer limited to added sugar but also to free sugar.
- It includes trans fats and its corresponding mandatory frontal stamp.
- It includes artificial sweeteners and its corresponding mandatory frontal stamp.
Thus, the new mandatory frontal stamps are the following:

The Resolution grants a period of six (6) months to be implemented in the market. Hence, from June 2023, the new labels would be enforceable.