Yes, we know, the world was simply crying out for another podcast, so here we are to answer that cry : )
As those who follow our Adlaw Insights blog may know, we are co-heads of the renowned Advertising & Marketing legal team at Lewis Silkin. In our (hopefully) unlawyerly way, we and our fabulous team bring you all the latest news and insights from the world of advertising law and regulation. It's hard to say ‘law and regulation’ in a sexy way, but we do our best to mix in a bit of humour, a pinch of levity and a handful of awful puns to the insights and news about and ASA rulings, CAP guidance, CMA investigations and new laws.
We focus on recent developments - anything that is interesting, unexpected and important in the world of advertising marketing in the UK.
In this, our first ever episode, we explore key events from the summer of 2024, using social responsibility as our key theme. We pull together a some compelling examples and give our take.
There are links to the different ads and rulings that we cover, below.
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We'll release an episode periodically, and we'll aim to keep them shorter than this inaugural episode, and we promise to get better and slicker at doing it. We hope you learn something new - but most of all, we hope you enjoy it!
We welcome your feedback - keep in mind this is our first go at this, so be kind!
Follow along…
In this episode, we'll talk about the following ads and ASA rulings:
1. JD Sports “Don't try this at home” (Aug 2024)
Screenshot of the ad:
Ruling: JD Sports Fashion plc - ASA | CAP
2. Frontline-19 (July 2024)
Ad available to view here: SICKER THAN THE PATIENTS - YouTube
Ruling: FL19 CIC - ASA | CAP
3. Alzheimer's Society “The Long Goodbye” (June 2024)
Ad available to view here: The Long Goodbye- Alzheimer's Society (Extended Cut) (
Ruling: Alzheimer's Society - ASA | CAP
4. Virgin Airways (August 2024)
Ruling: Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd- ASA
5. London Luton Airport (July 2024)
Screenshot of the ad:
Ruling: London Luton Airport Ltd
6. Ricky Gervais
The ads TFL rejected and accepted, respectively:

7. Jeremy Clarkson Hawkstone Lager
Ad available to view here: All Jeremy Clarkson Hawkstone Lager Ads - YouTube
8. Steven Bartlett ads
Ruling involving Huel: Huel Ltd - ASA | CAP
Ruling involving Zoe: ZOE Ltd - ASA | CAP