4/16/2024 8:50:45 PM ICYMI - GALA Releases Videos of Global Advertising Law Conference By Jeff Greenbaum The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance just released recordings of the sessions from the recent 6th Annual GALA Global Advertising Law...
2/13/2024 1:35:46 PM You're Invited: "6th Annual Global Advertising Law Conference" By Jeff Greenbaum On March 13th, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance will be hosting its “6th Annual Global Advertising Law Conference.” The half-day...
10/28/2022 6:06:34 PM ICYMI -- GALA Releases Videos from "Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change" Conference By Jeff Greenbaum Earlier this month, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance hosted its annual global advertising law conference in London. The...
9/29/2022 3:01:48 PM NFTs, Food, and Alcohol, all at GALA's Annual Advertising Law Conference By Jeff Greenbaum At next month's Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance annual advertising law conference, Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change,...
10/17/2019 3:33:45 PM Join GALA at the Annual ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference By Jeff Greenbaum The ANA/BAA Marketing Law Conference will be held this year on November 4-6, 2019, in San Diego. Many members of the Global Advertising...
1/28/2025 1:36:41 AM The FTC Finalizes Amendments to the COPPA Rule By Allison Fitzpatrick Gary A. Kibel Zachary Klein The FTC finally issued its Final Rule amending the requirements of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). The...
7/18/2024 7:32:58 PM New York Adopts Legislation to Protect Kids’ Privacy By Allison Fitzpatrick Gary A. Kibel Emily Catron The New York State Legislature has passed two significant laws designed to protect children’s and teen’s privacy: the Stop Addictive...
7/18/2024 6:57:56 PM This Content is Not Intended for Mature Audiences: CARU Investigates Disclosures on the Vlad and Niki YouTube Channel By Allison Fitzpatrick Alexa Meera Singh Ashley Haripal Through the Children’s Advertising Review Unit’s (CARU) routine monitoring activities, CARU opened an investigation into the “Vlad and...
1/25/2024 9:37:49 PM 2024 Top 10 Advertising + Marketing Trends: Balancing Risks & Rewards By Claudia Cohen Louis DiLorenzo Allison Fitzpatrick James Johnston Paavana Kumar Andrew Richman Samantha Rothaus Alexa Meera Singh Joy Wildes +6 more... Show less The marketing and advertising landscape in 2024 presents a complex tapestry of evolving regulations, groundbreaking technological...
1/15/2024 9:52:04 PM Unwrapping the FTC’s Proposed Updates to the COPPA Rule By Allison Fitzpatrick Gary A. Kibel Jeremy Merkel On December 20th, the FTC announced proposed changes to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA), which was last updated in...
12/13/2023 5:14:39 PM Whose Ad is it Anyway? NAD Finds “Sponsored” Insufficient Disclosure of Material Connection in Social Posts By Allison Fitzpatrick Alexa Meera Singh Ashley Haripal The FTC recently updated its Endorsement Guides, in part to provide clarity and guidance on sufficient disclosure of material connections...
10/12/2023 8:00:19 PM CARU’s New Metaverse Guidelines: Safeguarding Children in the Digital Frontier By Allison Fitzpatrick The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU), a division of BBB National Programs, recently announced guidelines for child-directed...
10/2/2023 7:20:19 PM California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code Blocked on Constitutional Grounds By Allison Fitzpatrick Gary A. Kibel Jeremy Merkel California’s Age-Appropriate Design Code (AADC) was temporarily blocked by a federal court judge who found that the law likely violates...
9/22/2023 4:13:39 PM Blurred Lines: FTC Report Finds Blurred Advertising Can Harm Kids By Allison Fitzpatrick Paavana Kumar Alexa Meera Singh Can you always tell when influencers are paid to feature a product in their content? Or if a brand is behind an unboxing video? Or if an...
7/13/2023 8:55:42 PM The Deep Dive: FTC Updates Endorsement Guides for Modern Marketing and Advertising By Paavana Kumar Allison Fitzpatrick Alexa Meera Singh On June 29, the FTC announced new Endorsement Guides (Endorsement Guides) governing the use of endorsements and testimonials in...
7/5/2023 1:21:38 PM 14 Years in the Making: FTC Unveils Updated FTC Endorsement Guides By Paavana Kumar Allison Fitzpatrick Alexa Meera Singh Today, the FTC announced its newly revised and long-awaited Endorsement Guides, which aim to update and clarify previous guidance...