What Advertising Law Issues Should You Keep an Eye on in 2023?
As we near the end of 2022, here are some thoughts from members of the Frankfurt Kurnit advertising group about a few key advertising law...
As we near the end of 2022, here are some thoughts from members of the Frankfurt Kurnit advertising group about a few key advertising law...
By showing the proverbial red card to Ladbrokes, the UK's Advertising Standards Authority has signalled its zero tolerance approach to...
We would like to provide you with a brief summary of two laws introducing new regulation of the online environment in response to...
On July 7, 2022, China’s Cybersecurity Administration ("CAC") released long-waited regulations for the management of...
In the past 12th of December, the Ethics Juri (EJ) of the Advertising Self-Regulation Association deliberated in yet another request,...
Recently, the Department of Consumer Affairs along with the Department and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), announced a framework titled...
Please join Lewis Silkin Advertising Law experts Brinsley Dresden, Jo Farmer, Geraint Lloyd Taylor and Bryony Long for our annual review...
CAP and BCAP have published an interim statement on progress with their consultation regarding new rules and guidance relating to alcohol...
Earlier today, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it is seeking public comment on proposed revisions to its Guides for the Use...
The Advertisement Board rendered a recent guiding decision implementing Article 7/2 of the Regulation on Commercial Advertisement and...
Two recent closing letters from the Federal Trade Commission highlight the fact that marketers sometimes have to apply different legal...
Tiffany Mitchell (@tifforeli), an influencer who currently has just under 200,000 followers on Instagram, likes to ride a beemer....
Can one refill a refillable SODASTREAM carbonated gas bottle and put one’s own label on it, while the engraved brand SODASTREAM also...
Once a company or individual learns they are a target of a Federal Trade Commission investigation, they need to quickly make a series of...
The China Advertising Law is known for prohibiting the use of superlative adjectives such as “the highest”, “the best” or “most...
On November 10, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released an aggressive new Policy Statement outlining the current FTC’s view on what...
A marketing email for controversial beer company, BrewDog, featured the subject heading “One of your five a day”.
The email was sent...
'I Eat Meat' Campaign
"I'm a carnivore and I'm not ashamed of it!" is the main slogan of the new campaign of the Agrarian Chamber of...
When the law says that the information given to consumers must be complete, the Consumer Protection Authority takes it seriously.
This article has been published in IRIS Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory and in IRIS 2022-10:1/13
The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance is sponsoring its annual "Global Advertising Law Year in Review" webinar, which will be held on...
On November 10, 2022, the EU Parliament approved the directive on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (the “
On July 19, 2022, the Court of Rome issued the first order concerning Non-Fungible-Tokens (“NFTs”) ever published by the Italian courts –...
Every year, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance presents webinars on a wide variety of important advertising law topics affecting...
The Federal Trade Commission and the Attorneys General of six states announced that they entered into a settlement with Google and...
In 2021, the rules for the production of cannabis were changed and the possibility of the promotion and advertisement of the cannabis was...
Environmental marketing claims have been a focus of regulatory, self-regulatory, and class action activity. While claims about past or...
The Practicing Law Institute, in cooperation with the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, is hosting its annual webinar, "Global...
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