6/14/2024 10:44:19 PM The Italian Council of Ministers Approves the Bill on Artificial Intelligence By Lydia Mendola This article is written in collaboration with Francesca Ellena INTRODUCTION On 23 April 2024, the Italian Council of Ministers approved a...
10/5/2023 3:34:25 PM New Solutions, Old Problems: The Thaler Case and Why AI Creations Will Not Be Granted Copyright Protection Easily By Lydia Mendola Thanks to Marianna Riedo for collaborating on this article In its recent ruling in the case of Thaler v. Perlmutter,[1] the United States...
6/15/2023 8:25:11 PM Scraping to Train Artificial Intelligence Is Raising Issues By Lydia Mendola Thanks to Angelo Aimar for collaborating on this article With use of generative AI models growing, content owners affected by...
4/14/2023 5:21:30 PM Generative AI and Copyright Registration: Legal Boundaries and Recent Guidance From the U.S. Copyright Office By Lydia Mendola In collaboration with Marianna Riedo While generative artificial intelligence models such as Midjourney, Dall-E, and Stable Diffusion are...
3/2/2023 2:47:32 PM Generative Artificial Intelligence Models: Not Necessarily a Matter of Copyright By Lydia Mendola In recent months, the topic of AI has gone mainstream, and we have learned that after a generative artificial intelligence model has...
12/5/2022 9:14:08 PM Soccer and NFTS: The First NFT-Related Judgment in Italy By Lydia Mendola On July 19, 2022, the Court of Rome issued the first order concerning Non-Fungible-Tokens (“NFTs”) ever published by the Italian courts –...
10/17/2022 3:33:09 PM The Potential of NFTs for the Music Industry By Lydia Mendola Francesco Tognato The music industry has undergone massive changes in the past twenty years. With streaming services overtaking CDs, music became...
11/23/2020 6:18:29 PM Image Rights and Their Clash with Copyright Law: New Challenges and New Horizons By Lydia Mendola Images play a pivotal role in modern society, as they can convey various messages and acquire autonomous informational, commercial, or...
11/16/2020 5:38:57 PM Which Legal Protection for Street Art? By Lydia Mendola The EUIPO’s recent declaration of invalidity of one of Banksy’s registered trademarks again raises the issue of the appropriate legal...
10/28/2020 10:28:06 PM The Stevenage Challenge: Digital Customer Engagement and Brand Promotion By Lydia Mendola Donata Cordone The Italian version of this article was first published on Wired. Brands pay millions to sponsor sporting events, soccer teams, and...