15 Oct, 2024 Court of Justice Clarifies Discount Communication By Myrna Teeuw This is important for any company that occasionally advertises a discount to consumers. Ever since the amended Price Display of Products...
10 Oct, 2024 Court of Justice clarifies discount communication By Myrna Teeuw This is important for any company that occasionally advertises a discount to consumers. Ever since the amended Price Display of Products...
16 Jul, 2024 "A juice a day keeps the doctor away" is a health claim By Myrna Teeuw "A juice a day keeps the doctor away". This variation on the well-known statement "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" seems like a...
10 Apr, 2024 Shell sustainability ambition not specific enough By Myrna Teeuw Shell may well say that it is "also investing in new energy." But "We are changing for a cleaner future" should be more specific. While...
14 Dec, 2023 Tata Steel may communicate sustainability ambition By Myrna Teeuw Companies with a negative environmental impact are also allowed to make sustainability claims. This was already reflected by previous...
12 Dec, 2023 Greenpeace has broad freedom of speech By Myrna Teeuw Greenpeace is allowed to express its opinion in a confrontational commercial about the role it believes the Dutch bank Rabobank plays in...
23 Nov, 2023 ALERT: no advertising of unauthorized novel food By Myrna Teeuw Food industry beware! The Advertising Code Committee (ACC) distributed an Alert (in Dutch) because unauthorized novel food was being...
23 Nov, 2023 'Serving suggestion' is not a magic formula By Myrna Teeuw Many food packages include a ‘serving suggestion’ (aka ‘serving tip’). But what does this mean? The Board of Appeal outlines two ways in...