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Spanish Supreme Court Confirms Sanction to Mediaset

The Supreme Court has rejected, as the National Court already did in 2018, the appeal of Mediaset España Comunicación against the sanction of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) for covert advertising in the Sálvame program by Telecinco.

The final decision confirms the fine of 324,000 euros for the commission of five offenses of the General Audiovisual Communication Law (LGCA), having broadcasted on its Telecinco channel, disguised commercial communications of Actafarma, Revidox, Obextrem and Dormax products, in the Health sections "Me encanta cuidarme", of the "Sálvame Diario" show, from October 30, November 6, 13 and 27 and December 4, 2014.

It can be classified as disguised advertising an action that, based on the emission of apparently non-advertising content, in which there is no direct or indirect presentation of products, is however combined with other subsequent telepromotion spaces in the same program.

