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GALA Welcomes New Member from the Baltics

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance announced that the law firm COBALT has joined GALA as a new member, representing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.  

With one of the Baltics’ most significant practices in advertising, marketing, and intellectual property law, the firm will be GALA's exclusive member for the Baltic States.  The firm is one of the largest and oldest in the Baltics and has more than 200 lawyers.  Dace Silava-Tomsone, Managing Partner of COBALT’s Latvia office said, "We are very pleased to join the GALA network and look forward to helping advertisers around the world market to consumers in the Baltics." 

As the leading network of advertising lawyers around the world, GALA covers more than ninety countries, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. "This well-respected and experienced firm is a terrific addition to GALA," said Dusan Nitschneider, GALA EMEA Regional President and Partner at Nitschneider & Partners in Bratislava, Slovakia.

GALA's coverage continues to expand around the world, in order to meet the needs of global marketers.  In addition to adding a new member for the Baltics, GALA recently welcomed a new member for Bosnia & Herzegovina. 

"This well-respected and experienced firm is a terrific addition to GALA" -- Dusan Nitschneider, Regional President, EMEA


baltics, estonia, latvia, lithuania, gala, advertising, frankfurt-kurnit-kleinselz