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Argentina - Amendments to the Regulations Governing the Front Labelling System

As recently incorporated in this blog, Provision No. 11378/2024, issued by the National Administration of Drugs, Food, and Medical Technology - ANMAT (hereinafter, the “Provision”), was published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic on December 26, 2024. 

The main objective of the Provision is to approve new specific standards for the advertising of food products that contain at least 1 warning label. Among other issues, the Provision establishes the following:

  • Specifically defines “children” and “adolescents” being subject to the advertising prohibition.
  • Adds specific details on how warning labels should be presented in different media (print, public, oral, audiovisual).
  • Provides more detailed definitions of "children's characters," "celebrities," and “interactive elements”.
  • Allows highlighting complementary nutritional statements related only to the critical nutrient/calorie that is in excess.
  • Adds the obligation to indicate what the novelty is and its complete communication when products already on the market receive any modification.
  • Prohibits the inclusion of phrases involving national, provincial, or international authorities such as “Advertising authorized by the Health Authority”.
  • Prohibits the inclusion of phrases that attribute therapeutic actions to the product or suggest that the food is a medicinal product.
  • Establishes requirements for advertising in digital media and adds specific exceptions for organic content generated by third parties, content intended for foreign markets, and content not sponsored by the product owner.
  • Repeals the previous Provision No. 6924/22.

Moreover, the ANMAT also filed Provision No. 11362/2024. This provision sets up the “Nutritional Stamp and Warnings Declaration System” within the Federal Information System for Food Control Management. The mentioned system includes a publicly accessible Stamp Calculator, which allows assessing whether a product should bear warning stamps. In addition, a new Manual for the Implementation of Law No. 27,642 on the Promotion of Healthy Eating and its Regulatory Decree No. 151/22 was also approved, which provides specific guidelines for institutions with competences in the implementation of the regulation and provides guidance to companies producing and importing packaged food on its correct application.

To access the full provisions, click on the following links:


