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Reposted from Advertising Law Updates

FTC Chair Announces Senior Staff Appointments

Federal Trade Commission Chairman Andrew N. Ferguson announced that he has appointed Christopher Mufarrige as Director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection.  He replaces Samuel Levine, who served as Director under FTC Chair Linda M. Khan.  

In announcing the appointment, Ferguson said, "I am delighted to appoint Chris Mufarrige as the next Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection. Chris is a stellar attorney and a tireless public servant.  The Bureau of Consumer Protection with Chris at the helm will work every day to protect the American consumer from fraud, and to safeguard children when they are online.”

Prior to his appointment, Mufarrige served as Chief of Staff and Attorney Advisor to FTC Commissioner Melissa Holyoak.  During the first Trump Administration, he worked in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  

Ferguson also announced today that he has appointed Daniel Guarnera as Director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition and Lucas Croslow as the FTC's General Counsel. 


