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Charitable Fundraising Platforms

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Brands operating websites or apps for cause-related marketing and charitable fundraising are increasingly regulated as charitable fundraising platforms under state laws. Historically, regulation focused on “commercial coventurers” conducting “charitable sales promotions.”

However, amendments now extend strict rules to online platforms engaging in activities like donation programs and free action campaigns. Brands may need to register, file annual reports, and obtain written charity consent. Funds must often be held in separate accounts and transferred promptly, and tax receipts must be issued within five days. Campaigns must verify charities’ “good standing,” ensure clear disclosures, and adhere to donation accounting rules.

Additionally, advertising must include material disclosures. Given evolving regulations, early planning, compliance with state-specific laws, and accurate disclosures are essential for successful campaigns.

To learn more about copyright counseling and protection, download the 13th edition of our Advertising Law Tool Kit. For more insights into advertising law, bookmark our All About Advertising Law blog and subscribe to our monthly newsletter.


advertising law tool kit, nonprofit, cause-related marketing, venable-llp