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GALA to Hold Advertising Law Seminar in Lima

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance will be holding an advertising law seminar in Lima, Peru on October 25, 2019.  The seminar, "Advertising & the New Peruvian Healthy Food Law," is co-sponsored by GALA's Peruvian member, Allende & Garcia Abogados.

The seminar will be held on Friday, October 25, 2019, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., at the Aloft Lima Hotel.  

The seminar will address the implementation of Peru's new healthy food law, the experiences of other countries in the region with implementing similar laws, advertising food in the United States, and how advertisers can effectively market when faced with newly restrictive laws.

Special guest speakers include Abelardo Aramayo, Technical Secretary, Commission for the Control of Unfair Competition of INDECOPI, and Robby Ralson, Director, Robby Ralson Advertising and Consulting Agency. Other speakers include:

  • Ariela Agosin, Albagli Zaliasnik (Chile)
  • Jose Antonio Arochi, Arochi & Lindner (Mexico)
  • Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Rio, Falconi Puig Abogados (Ecuador)
  • Angel Garganta, Venable LLP (USA)
  • Jeffrey A. Greenbaum, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz (USA)
  • Maria Elena León, LAIVE S.A. (Peru)
  • Paula Fernandez Pfizenmaier, Randle Legal (Argentina)
  • Dafne Ramos, Allende Garcia (Peru)

For more information about attending the seminar, or to register, please go to GALA's website.

"We are thrilled to bring together a group of leading advertising law experts from across the Americas to address important issues affecting food advertisers in Peru and around the Americas" -- Magali Garcia, Partner, Allende & Garcia


advertising, gala, peru, frankfurt-kurnit-kleinselz