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Save the Date: GALA's "Advertising Law Year in Review" Webinars

Save the date!  Later this year, the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance will be presenting its annual "Advertising Law Year in Review" webinars.  Join members of GALA for a series of regional webinars which will provide an overview of some of the key developments in advertising law around the world during the past year.  

Here's the schedule for the upcoming webinars:

  • "Asia Pacific Advertising Law Year in Review," December 1, 2021, 9:00 a.m. CST.
  • "Americas Advertising Law Year in Review," November 10, 2021, 1:00 p.m. EST.
  • "EMEA Advertising Law Year in Review," December 9, 2021, 1:00 p.m. GMT.

Check back here for more details.


advertising, gala, asiapacific, americas, emea, frankfurt-kurnit-kleinselz