11/18/2024 3:32:21 PM Court Reverses Itself Over Whether a "Carbon Neutral" Claim is Potentially Misleading By Jeff Greenbaum Danone Waters of America promotes its brand of Evian water as “carbon neutral.” Earlier this year, a federal court in New York allowed a...
1/11/2024 4:16:32 PM Are "Carbon Neutral" Claims Misleading? By Jeff Greenbaum Danone Waters of America promotes its Evian brand of water as “carbon neutral.” What do consumers understand a “carbon neutral” claim to...
12/8/2023 3:38:29 PM California (Apparently) Pushes Date for VCMDA Compliance to 2025 By Jeff Greenbaum In October, California enacted the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosure Act, which requires advertisers to include specific disclosures on...
10/20/2023 10:27:47 PM New California Law Requires Disclosures When Making Certain Environmental Claims By Jeff Greenbaum Earlier this month, California enacted the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act, which requires advertisers to include specific...
3/14/2023 6:25:02 PM Eat your greens: Calls for regulators to ban climate-neutral claims relating to food and drink By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor Another week, another story about climate-neutral claims. The European consumer association BEUC has now stuck its ten (euro)cents in,...