4/29/2022 9:56:57 AM "Mayday Mayday": ASA begins targeted enforcement action against crypto ads on 2 May By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor The ASA has published an update this week about its scam alert programme. Consumers can tell the ASA if they see a scam ad, and the ASA...
4/25/2022 5:37:02 PM New Regulation regarding the Use of Consumer Reviews By Hande Hançar Baran Güney Consumer reviews have become an important part of the advertising ecosystem. These reviews are very influential to potential customers...
4/21/2022 5:19:15 PM Don’t Be Bamboozled by Environmental Benefit Claims By Ronald Urbach Stuart Lee Friedel Alexa Meera Singh $5.5 Million FTC Settlements for Bamboo Textile and Environmental Benefit Claims Under Penalty Offense Authority The FTC recently...
4/20/2022 1:45:12 PM Austrian Advertising Council Denies Sexist Advertising By Dr Stefan Kofler In its ruling the Austrian Advertising Council came to the decision that no sexualising content could be identified and that there was...
4/18/2022 4:16:57 PM The Advertisement Board Now Has the Authority to Block Access to the Online Content Violating the Advertising Rules By Hande Hançar Baran Güney The Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 has been amended by the Law No. 7392 which was published in the Official Gazette on 01.04.2022. The...
4/18/2022 4:07:49 PM Women as Powerful Brand Ambassadors By Sharad Vadehra Our previous blog “Gender Bias in Indian Advertising” covered the issue of gender stereotyping in Indian advertisements and the attempt...
4/14/2022 12:04:12 PM FTC Brings First Enforcement Action Under New "Made in USA" Rule, Obtaining Civil Penalties From Battery Maker By Jeff Greenbaum In the Federal Trade Commission's first action under its new "Made in USA Labeling Rule," the FTC charged Lithionics Battery and its...
4/10/2022 6:19:00 PM FTC Says It's Reviving Old Notices of Penalty Offenses On Cars, Bait & Switch, Energy Savings, Fur, Home Improvement, Textiles, Toys, and Weight Loss By Jeff Greenbaum After last year's U.S. Supreme Court decision limiting the Federal Trade Commission's ability to obtain financial relief, the FTC has...
4/8/2022 3:18:45 PM Free Webinar: Crypto advertising and promotions, including NFTs and Fan Tokens. A UK + US perspective By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor Cryptoassets, including cryptocurrencies, NFTs and Fan Tokens, are booming. While the US and UK regulators have been slow to get to...
4/7/2022 9:57:46 PM You're Invited: "Evolving Regulation of the Use of Consumer Reviews" Webinar By Jeff Greenbaum The International Advertising Association, in partnership with the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, is hosting a webinar, "Evolving...
4/7/2022 4:03:16 PM False and Misleading Advertisements in India By Sharad Vadehra Advertisements, via both print and digital methods, act as a powerful medium for promotion of a product, brand or service. The main...
4/5/2022 2:27:43 PM Gambling advertising: ASA and CAP move the goal posts for footballers and celebs By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor JJ Shaw Following an 18 month consultation period, the ASA today announced that it will be changing the rules when it comes to who can appear in...
4/5/2022 12:15:04 PM WFA Issues Environmental Principles, Cautioning Marketers about the Use of "Sustainable," "Carbon Neutral," and Other Claims By Jeff Greenbaum The World Federation of Advertisers recently issued Global Guidance on Environmental Claims, which sets forth six key principles that the...