4/23/2024 9:32:50 PM A Different Take on "Made in USA" Claims From the 10th Circuit? By Jeff Greenbaum Can you promote your product as being “Made in the USA” if the product is assembled in the United States using some foreign components? ...
2/23/2022 3:13:40 PM Defending Against the Blitz: Examining the Legal Issues Surrounding Super Bowl Ads By Mary Gardner Michael Munoz As the rest of the U.S. prepared for the Super Bowl by buying avocados to make guacamole, installing new big-screen TVs, and donning...
9/15/2021 5:21:01 PM Ninth Circuit Clarifies Standards for Equitable Damages in False Advertising Cases By Len Gordon William Lawrence A recent decision in the Ninth Circuit sheds new light on whether, and the standard by which, a false advertising claimant must prove...
6/20/2021 8:39:47 PM Can a Brand Use Ice Cube's "Signature Catchphrase" in a Newsletter Without Permission? By Brian Murphy O’Shea Jackson, better known as Ice Cube, is a man of many talents: rapper, actor, director, entrepreneur, and social activist, to name...
2/3/2021 3:47:13 PM When Do Sponsored Product Reviews Become Advertising? By Jeff Greenbaum Does the First Amendment protect a publisher of supposedly independent product reviews if it turns out that the publisher was actually...