10/23/2022 3:48:57 PM LGBTQ+ Content Creators' False Advertising Claims Against YouTube Fail By Brian Murphy YouTube describes Restricted Mode as an “optional setting” that enables users of the platform (“such as libraries, schools, and public...
6/11/2021 3:07:33 PM Influencer Marketing Practices in Turkey By Baran Güney The Guideline on Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices Conducted by Social Media Influencers (“Guideline”), which was...
4/27/2021 11:59:34 AM Targeted advertising on social media and GDPR By Peter Marciš Do you target your advertising on social media platforms? (Of course, you do). Then you should know that you may be responsible for...
10/10/2019 3:12:02 PM #StrikeAPose #CopyrightInfringement By Len Gordon By Meaghan Kent, Katherine Dearing, and Danae Tinelli Supermodel Jelena Noura “Gigi” Hadid was not the first celebrity to be photographed...