1/22/2024 11:00:17 AM EVENT: Is your company ready for the UK consumer law REVOLUTION? By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor When it comes to UK consumer law, some big changes are coming. The changes are to be found less in the substance - though there are some...
5/18/2023 10:03:33 AM Influencer marketing - an international perspective (webinar) By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) is a network of impressive advertising law experts around the world. We at GALA are...
3/16/2022 1:23:42 PM LS Presents: Alcohol advertising regulation update (training) By Brinsley Dresden Geraint Lloyd-Taylor Alcohol is one of most important sectors in the advertising industry and has been for decades. Alcohol brands and their agencies space...
3/2/2022 7:11:43 PM LS Presents: Automotive Advertising Training By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor Brinsley Dresden Training Automotive advertising is a red hot topic in the UK. This already competitive sector is having to meet new challenges, from...
9/22/2021 2:05:35 PM FREE Online Training Session: New Green Claims Code - what YOU need to know By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor This week, the CMA launched its eagerly anticipated Green Claims Code. The new Code comes ahead of a clampdown by the CMA on misleading...
6/4/2021 3:01:27 PM Free online training: Automotive advertising By Geraint Lloyd-Taylor Join us for a free online training session on automotive advertising on Thursday 10 June, 1pm UK time. If you or your clients are...