10/24/2024 10:20:56 PM “Site Under Construction” - Websites Under Development Are Not Exempted From the Misleading Advertising Regulations By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov Georgi Sulev The Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition („CPC”) established in a recent decision (CPC Decision 944/19.09.2024 – SRT...
9/3/2024 2:36:07 PM Can Social Networks and Influencers advertise Gambling: The Bulgarian National Revenue Agency interprets the Scope of the Gambling Law By Violetta Kunze In April 2024, the Bulgarian Parliament adopted amendments to the Gambling Law which entered into force on 18 May 2024. The law...
6/10/2024 3:05:34 PM The New Rules of the Game: Navigating the Near-Total Ban on Gambling Advertisement in Bulgaria By Violetta Kunze In April 2024, the Bulgarian Parliament adopted amendments to the Gambling Law[1] which entered into force on 18 May 2024. The law was...
2/25/2023 10:03:27 PM Bulgarian Online TV Consumers are well-informed and do not spontaneously subscribe to new Services By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov In 2022 the Bulgarian Commission on Protection of the Competition (“CPC”) delivered a decision where it sustained its understanding that...
10/27/2022 3:04:22 PM Promoting Crypto Currencies in Bulgaria: Are There Any Risks? By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov Earlier this year, the Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court (the “SAC”) had the chance to evaluate the misleading potential of an...
6/7/2022 3:04:15 PM Bulgaria Implemented the Omnibus Directive. More Transparency or Yet Another Burden for Compliance? By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov Directive (EU) 2019/2161 as regards the better enforcement and modernisation of Union consumer protection rules (the “Omnibus Directive”)...
1/7/2022 4:09:10 PM Advertising a Longer Guarantee Period? Even if Not Misleading, Still May Violate the Law By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov A new Law for the provision of digital content and digital services and for the sale of goods (the "Law") entered into force on 1st...
7/28/2021 1:29:40 PM Show Me the Price Tag By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov Only the price, effectively applied for a period of at least one month, can be used as a reference price in the announcement of a...