5/8/2023 5:14:36 PM FTC Orders The Bountiful Company to Pay $600,000 in Fines in First Case Challenging “Review Hijacking” By Paavana Kumar Alexa Meera Singh Ashley Haripal Given the increasing reliance consumers have on product reviews when making purchase decisions, the FTC is honing in on companies’...
3/29/2023 7:12:08 PM From Record Clubs to Retail Subscriptions: FTC Proposes Significant Expansion of Negative Option Rule By Paavana Kumar Alexa Meera Singh Ashley Haripal Negative option offers – such as prenotification plans, continuity programs, automatic renewals and free-to-pay conversions – allow a...
3/8/2023 6:18:03 PM Controls of the E-commerce Industry in Poland By Ewa Skrzydlo-Tefelska Marta Kowalczuk-Kedzierska On 1st January 2023, a number of regulations implementing Directive 2019/2161 - Omnibus - came into force in Poland. Many laws were...
1/7/2022 4:09:10 PM Advertising a Longer Guarantee Period? Even if Not Misleading, Still May Violate the Law By Violetta Kunze Vladislav Antonov A new Law for the provision of digital content and digital services and for the sale of goods (the "Law") entered into force on 1st...
2/12/2020 12:00:00 AM Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) Issues Guidance on Influencing Online Buying Behavior By Daniël Haije Dynamic pricing policies, scarcity indications, nudging, social proof, dark patterns. There are many tactics out there to influence...